Facts and Figures

Want the skinny on MCCC?  这里有一些十大外围app是谁和我们做什么的信息.



Fall 2024
$­­129.52 per billable contact hour
In-State: $221.26 per billable contact hour
Out-of-State: $246.48 per billable contact hour

Financial Aid and Scholarships

超过一半的MCCC学生从联邦和州助学金中获得某种形式的经济援助, loans and work-study programs.

门罗县居民谁申请入学符合合格的ACT或SAT成绩可以考虑受托人优秀奖学金, 哪一种可以支付一年近一半的学费,并且可以续期. 除了受托人优秀奖学金之外, 每年有近50万美元的其他奖学金. 您可以快速轻松地在线申请近200个奖学金 pathways.tilou.net/scholarships.


MCCC已经预先批准了大约20所大学合作伙伴的转学选择, 这样学生就可以继续获得学士学位.  锡耶纳高地大学就在mcc的校园里.

Areas of Study

Programs and transfer pathways: 56

Certificates: 32


具有硕士以上学历的专职教师; About 93%


Faculty to student ratio: 9:1

Student Enrollment, Characteristics

Annual Enrollment

Credit-Seeking Students (2022): 2,471
Non-credit students (2021-22): 1,578
Credit and non-credit enrollment combined: 4,049

Student Characteristics (2022)

Race and Ethnicity

White: 77%
Black or African American: 3%
Hispanic: 3%
Two or More Races: 1.5%    
Asian: 0.6%
American Indian/Alaska Nat.: 0.4%
Unknown: 13.5%

Enrollment Status

Full-time: 24%
Part-time: 76%
Average Student Age: 23
Dual Enrolled Students: 28%


这是门罗县的高中,我们的县内学生在2022年毕业, 以及在MCCC注册的每个班级的百分比:

Ida: 27%
Dundee: 24%
Jefferson: 23%
Monroe: 16%
Airport: 17%
Summerfield: 13%
St. Mary Catholic Central: 14%
Erie Mason: 10%
Bedford: 9%
Whiteford: 8%




2022: Campbell Academic Center opens. The center's renovation included the addition of numerous student study rooms and collaboration spaces; physical and technological improvements to classrooms and labs, 将图书馆转变为一个扩展的学习资源中心,创造性地将传统图书馆服务与媒体和教学支持结合起来, as well as collaborative learning spaces; a renovation of the building’s small theater, and the addition of new entryways, 外部座位“墙”和室外聚会区. In addition comprehensive, exterior wayfinding signage and map kiosks were installed throughout campus.

2021: 学生的教室空间和演讲厅 Life Sciences Building were renovated. A Student Government/Clubs room and Safe Space room opened in the Warrick Student Center.

2020: Founders Hall 其中包括一个学生成功中心、协作空间、教室、实验室和办公室. 

2018: 生命科学大楼增加了一个新的学生合作翼

2017: A campus-wide geothermal-based heating, cooling and air-conditioning system was installed.

Upcoming projects:

  • 继续增加/扩大整个校园的学生空间,以供学生互动, collaboration and learning
  • 增加/翻新整个校园建筑的学生教室空间
  • 健康科学大楼的翻新/扩建
  • Renovation of Whitman Center in Temperance
  • Renovation of the Warrick Student Center  


从回收到节能再到太阳能等等, 中冶集团高度致力于可持续设施建设.  我们大学的官方颜色可能是红衣主教,但我们确实喜欢绿色!



MCCC has awarded about 20,000 自1964年成立以来,获得学位和证书.

Two-thirds mcc的毕业生留在门罗县,为当地经济做出贡献.

Seven of 10 门罗县居民或他们的直系亲属在MCCC上过课.

由于MCCC的存在,门罗县的副学士学位水平高于全州和全国水平. 它是唯一一所总部设在县的高校,大大提高了教育水平, 社区的多样性和文化丰富性.

Lifelong Learning and Workforce Training

MCCC的企业和社区服务办公室是门罗县非信贷的主要来源 lifelong learning opportunities 为社区而开发和交付 non-credit training solutions for local businesses. 在2021-22财年,MCCC为近1600名非学分学生提供服务.


MCCC offers three 上进项目获得了近400万美元的资助 从联邦政府帮助更多地区的高中生转变为大学生. 这些项目是与机场高中合作的, 门罗高中和杰斐逊高中.

MCCC offers a Destination Dance School with youth dance troupes and instruction, a youth VEX Robotics program and a full slate of Summer Camps.

Nearly 500 children 每年参加MCCC的基础夏令营.

MCCC hosts numerous children’s shows 全年在La-Z-Boy中心举办,作为其校园/社区活动系列的一部分.


Accessible education is important. MCCC has two convenient locations 一所位于门罗县中部的中心地带,另一所位于俄亥俄州边境以北的坦普瑞斯 online or blended formats in each semester.

Arts, Culture and Enrichment

Each year, MCCC hosts a full slate of concerts 通过国家、区域和地方的法律,以及 other cultural and community events.  其中许多活动都在拥有550个座位的最先进的La-Z-Boy中心和迈耶剧院举行.

MCCC brings in renowned speakers and panels that benefit the campus and the community.

每年,MCCC都会通过其总部举办一系列一流的综合媒体和艺术展览和讲座 Visiting Artist Series.

The MCCC Art Collection is a vast, with most of the pieces procured from award-winning visiting artists who have visited the college since the early 1970s; it is quite possibly the largest collection at a community college in the state.

An Attractive, Functional Venue

MCCC’s facilities are 每年都有数百个组织租用, 为数以万计的参观者提供一个吸引人的、功能齐全的活动场所.